I am pretty sure throughout my whole life, people can handle me in very small doses! Ask my family, my babysitters, my friends, my coaches, my teachers, whoever! I feel like I can be very cool and fun for awhile, but I either just talk too much or get mad and pull an Emree at the library(Apparently my niece just had a temper tantrum) and that is what I am famous for. My most famous is when I slapped my Grandma once, but anyways the reason I brought that up is because I don't really ever blog and that is probably due to the fact that I am best in small, occasional doses(not how Dr. Dave says to take ibuprofen).
Anyways, here is a nice little recap of summer, more pictures then me talking because it is probably better that way, right?
Me and my favorite person welcoming President and Sister Ostler(My mission president/wife) back to America! |
Biak Blong Mi! Esron Vano, in the U.S., I couldn't be happier! |
Vanuatu RMs...how cute! |
My little sister got married, what? At least they are happy... |
Maybe shouldn't have given me the camera? |
We think they are in there somewhere;) |
Sorry old lady, we stole your bench for the newlyweds to just relax. |
In Vegas, right before we went to S.W. Steakhouse...Thank you Father in Law! |
A giant frog on a waterfall sang to us at dinner, just for us the waiter said! |
Lookin good at dinner in my salmon shirt! |
I had the best looking person to eat with! Does her steak look medium well? |
We couldn't make the Moses Lake fair, but we still got Funnel Cakes!! Yummy! |
La Reve aka the weirdest dream ever! Sweet show! I liked the funny dudes! |
Showing off our new shirts.. |
At the cabin, we are Flamers! |
I hope she likes me all the time and not in just small doses because she is a real good shot! |
And knows how shoot them all...
Well, there was our summer! We got to go to St. George to see my Mission President come home and see Esron Vano, a member from Vanuatu that taught with me constantly and even went to teach with us when he opened his mission call. He is probably one of the best people you could ever meet, hard working, honest, trustworthy, and not afraid of doing the right thing. He taught me a lot and I was so happy I got to see him! Then my little sis got married, I couldn't be happier for her. She got a great guy, who treats her probably better than she deserves;) haha jk but probably! It was so much fun to see those two happy as can be but it was just as fun to see all sorts of family and friends..Good times! Then we went to Moses Lake to golf(I shot my first ever 39)! Brittany got to go to Michael Buble, lucky girl! Went to movies, no shopping, and The porterhouse, just a party. Then be at the awesome outside reception led with DJ Dani and then after party was DJ Spencer/Jordan...Edge of Glory! Oh to make that trip even better, Brittany got bit by Tanna our dog, so now he has growled at Andrew, bit Brittany, probably made a plan to take out Tyler, In Laws beware in the Baker Household, we have a guard dog! Then Vegas....We got to watch the house and dogs, while the Allison's(In-laws) were out of the country! It was tons of fun, went shopping, went to movies, went to eat lots and lots, took grandma to the doctor, got to eat at a nice steakhouse at the Wynn, watch La Reve. Just lots of fun all summer.
School has started again but for labor day weekend we went to the Cabin, ate Biffs a small little place that makes smoked pork sandwiches and played the game, "What's Biff smoking?" Shot lots and lots of guns! Wow that was fun, we destroyed bottles, killed a zombie, barely hit targets, and absolutely destroyed three phone books to find a few little prizes or trophies! We are lucky people and I am the luckiest because I have finally found the one person that enjoys me always...I think.